Terms and conditions

Terms & Conditions

Login Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to new and existing users of the GPI (General Practice Indicators) and GPIT Dashboards. By accepting, and continuing to utilise the web interface, new and existing users agree to abide these terms and conditions of use in relation to data, information and intelligence obtained from use of the web interface since registering.

Assurance Management

Access to the GPI / GPIT Dashboards is granted on the understanding that this platform has been provided as a mechanism to support transparent measurement across practices within a clinical commissioning group (CCG), ICBs and Regional local teams (RLTs). The practice – ICBs / CCG/RLT relationship provides a forum for collaborative and engaging discussions regarding national and local implementation of the assurance framework chapter of the policy and guidance manual of Primary Medical Services. Such engagement and collaboration recognises the contribution that each practice can make to both the quality of services to their registered patients and the wider impact to service delivery across the whole CCG population.

All data and information within the site is considered ‘restricted’ for internal NHS use only.

Any non-NHS use will be will be subject to a due diligence process and required to complete a Confidentiality and Information Sharing Agreement.

Peer Review and Benchmarking

Where the user is considering the provision of services and comparing, for example, different GP practices, the user will need to understand and take into account the local context in which the services are being provided. Accordingly, it may be appropriate to benchmark against practices across a spectrum of options such as the geographic / organisational (for e.g. CCGs / ICBs / Region) and those with similar characteristics, including list size, index of multiple deprivation (IMD), peer groups and so on, as well as against professional standards. It is also important that users understand the variability of practice populations (e.g. a practice with large numbers of students in an otherwise deprived urban area).

Small Numbers

The data presented in the GPI and GPIT Dashboards includes small levels albeit at an aggregated organisation level. Only registered users employed within the NHS can access the dashboard.

Other users employed outside the NHS such as researchers’ access will be subject to a due diligence process and conditional requirements to complete a Confidentiality and Information Sharing Agreement.

In addition, the grouping in the dashboard will be based on health characteristics (e.g. number of patients with dementia). We believe the risk of re-identification of an individual is negligible. In contrast, suppression of small numbers to this limited set of users would hinder operational use of the tool, and as such small number suppression has not been applied within the dashboard given its specific purpose of use, this does however mean that the data set is not suitable for onward use in the public domain.

It will be possible for users to export aggregate data from the dashboards – this is possible for use within the NHS however, any such data should not be published or made available for wider consumption outside the NHS. Please therefore prevent inappropriate use of the data within the GPI and GPIT Dashboards by treating this information as restricted, refrain from passing information on to others who have not been given prior access and use it only for the purposes for which it has been provided.


The entire contents of GPI and GPIT Dashboards are protected by copyright.

You are granted registration to access and use GPI and GPIT Dashboards for use in the NHS (and for organisation outside the NHS e.g. research purposes in accordance with conditions stated further within the data sharing agreement). The registration granted under this agreement cannot be transferred, sold, or rented to anyone else.

You may not redistribute, rent, lend, sell or modify any materials from the GPI and GPIT Dashboards, or create derivative works based on materials in the indicators without the prior written permission of NHS England. (Email:necsu.england.primarycareindicators@nhs.net).

We ask that you do not remove any copyright notices or other notices contained in materials retrieved from the GPI and GPIT Dashboards.

You may download or print individual documents or other items from the materials from the GPI and GPIT Dashboards. Multiple downloading of the same documents and/or archiving of materials from GPI and GPIT Dashboards and the creation of multiple copies of individual documents for research and/or instructional use are prohibited except through an agreed Confidentiality and Information Sharing Agreement with NHS England. (Email:necsu.england.primarycareindicators@nhs.net).

Re-use of information from GPI and GPIT Dashboards beyond that permitted is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.  For permission to re-use information from GPI and GPIT Dashboards, please contact necsu.england.primarycareindicators@nhs.net

Any use of GPI and GPIT Dashboards materials in whole or in part should include customary bibliographic citation, including author attribution, date, and publication / document title.

We will make electronic access to the GPI and GPIT Dashboards available via our server to you without charge by us. You are responsible for all charges associated with accessing GPI and GPIT Dashboards, including any computer equipment, telephone or internet connections, and access software. The hours of availability will be determined by us and may be changed without notice. We reserve the right to refuse access to any individual and network.

NECS Commissioning Support Unit (on behalf of NHS England) are to ensure that the information on this site is correct, but do not give any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy of the information.

The material included in the GPI and GPIT Dashboards are provided on an “as is,” “as available” basis and NEL Commissioning Support Unit (on behalf of NHS England) disclaim all warranties, including those expressed or implied.

NECS Commissioning Support Unit (on behalf of NHS England) will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or punitive damages arising out of:

  • Your use or inability to use GPI and GPIT Dashboards.
  • Any errors or omissions in the materials included in GPI and GPIT Dashboards.
  • The contents of the GPI and GPIT Dashboards.
  • The contents of any other sites on the Internet which may be linked to GPI and GPIT Dashboards or any material of third parties relating to the indicators.


By providing us with your details, you are giving your consent that your personal information may be processed for the purposes necessary to conduct and improve our services. We reserve the right to modify the terms of this Agreement at any time. Please also view our data privacy statement.